The Ringing World is always very grateful for donations received from readers, whether they accompany peal or quarter peal reports or are made for other reasons.
For many years donations have helped to contain subscription levels.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please read the information about Gift Aid before making a donation (download gift aid form).
Donate by credit/debit card, or by Paypal
We accept donations by credit or debit card through Paypal.
You do not need to have a Paypal account to use this service. Due to the service charge we pay, we would suggest that you do not use this method of donation for sums of less than £1. Read more.
Donate by post
Donating by post couldn't be easier: just send your cheque (made payable to The Ringing World) to us at the Andover office (35A High Street, Andover SP10 1LJ).
If your donation is for at least £25 and you are a UK taxpayer, please consider gift aid - it costs you nothing and allows us to reclaim a significant amount of tax.
Peal and quarter peal donations are normally from multiple donors and of such small amounts that we are unable to process them for Gift Aid. However, if you as an individual currently send frequent small amounts - for example with quarter peals - you may prefer to send one larger donation at less frequent intervals and use the Gift Aid declaration form to enable us to reclaim the tax.
Donate by Electronic Transfer
Please use a reference that will help us recognise your payment (e.g. your subscription reference number or BellBoard account code), and let us know that the payment has been made by sending an email to, or by telephoning 01264 366620.
Direct payments to:
- Bank: CAF Bank
- Sort Code: 40-52-40
- Account No: 00095085