The Ringing World is always very grateful for donations received from readers, whether they accompany peal or quarter peal reports or are made for other reasons. Indeed, for many years donations have formed a significant part of the Company's income and have helped to contain subscription levels.

As with many other charities, the value to The Ringing World of the donations made can be increased by means of Gift Aid. However, to ensure that we receive the full value, there are a number of conditions that we have to apply to Gift Aided donations. We have extensively investigated HMRC's requirements for an auditable trail, and the time and effort required to meet those requirements. Reluctantly, we have had to conclude that the costs involved (mainly in staff time) mean that we cannot afford to process Gift Aid on donations of less than £25. Also, as with all Gift Aid donations, each donation needs to be from a single individual, and must be made out of UK taxed income. Please note that subscriptions are not eligible for Gift Aiding as the value of the publication you receive in return exceeds the allowable 25% of the amount you subscribe.

Peal and quarter peal donations are normally from multiple donors and of such small amounts that we are unable to process them for Gift Aid. However, if you as an individual currently send frequent small amounts - for example with quarter peals - you may prefer to send one larger donation at less frequent intervals and use the Gift Aid declaration form to enable us to reclaim the tax.

A single Gift Aid declaration sent with your next eligible donation will ensure that The Ringing World can reclaim Gift Aid on that and all future eligible donations from you: Download the appropriate form here.

BB BellBoard
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers